
"L'Art Du Cocktail" 1930 VERMEIRE, Robert


[127] pp.

Imprimerie des Efficients


6 3/8" x 3 7/8"

First edition in French and slightly revised edition of the author's 1922 classic, Cocktails. How to Mix Them, which was the first book to print the recipe for the Sidecar. Vermeire, one of the most influential cocktail personalities of the past century, was a Belgian bartender who plied his trade in London during the European Golden Age before opening 'Roberts' in his home town of Knokke, Belgium. The volume includes recipes for Slings, Fizzes, Cobblers as well as recipes for medicinal drinks, such as the usual hot toddy for a cold, but also absinthe for a headache and champagne for seasickness. A very pleasing copy of this classic cocktail book.


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