
"Robert A.M. Stern: Houses" 1997 STERN, Robert A.M. (SIGNED)


[608] pp.

The Monacelli Press


12 1/2" x 10 1/2"

Fine/ Fine

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In over thirty years of practice, Robert A. M. Stern has developed a distinctive architecture committed to the synthesis of tradition and innovation and, above all, to the creation and enhancement of a meaningful sense of place. Inspired by the great legacy of American architecture, the firm of Robert A. M. Stern Architects has produced a variety of building types in a range of stylistic vocabularies. The design of houses, for which the firm initially gained notice, remains a cornerstone of the practice. Beautifully illustrated in color, this major monograph -- a companion volume to the best-selling Robert A. M. Stern: Buildings -- thoroughly documents more than forty-five houses built over the course of thirty years. These distinguished houses are located in diverse settings across the United States, from San Francisco's Russian Hill to the Rocky Mountains to the Long Island and New England coasts. In every case, Stern has emphasized the importance of context by exploring the nature of place through houses that embody the region's vernacular architectural heritage, as well as gracefully reflect each site's unique natural setting. Whether considering classical New York town houses, Shingle Style "cottages" by the sea, or Scandinavian log houses as reinterpreted on the American frontier, Stern has fostered a strong sense of architectural continuity and connection to the past by participating in the dialogue across time that he believes lies at the heart of architecture.

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